The Covid-19 pandemic has upended many lives and businesses - changing the way we socialize, educate, and go about our daily lives. For small businesses like retailers, restaurants, and service providers, regular customer communication, with the latest information and safety protocols is now a priority and is critical to keeping the doors open. Customers want to support local businesses right now so reminding them we are here and what we do is also important. Today more than ever, businesses and customers need each other, and marketing for small businesses is about letting your customers know you’re here for them.
Like you, customers are also navigating these uncertain times, and acting like a partner can bring a much needed level of comfort. Whether it’s providing a service like health care, education, a meal, or the new pair of sweats to make them feel cozy, our customers just need one less thing to worry about. Communicating to them that you are helping to minimize the risk is a way to show partnership. It’s important to keep customers informed, updated and, sometimes just checking in to see how they are doing and showing appreciation.
Adapting to Covid-19 policies, guidelines, and protocols means a constant change of information and staying on top of that is key. Customers need to know that you’re open, when you’re open, and what your policies are. Are your employees staying safe? Do you have measures in place for social distancing? Are you doing what you can to minimize the spread of the virus? It’s an unspoken question of what are you doing to help them worry about one less thing.